"Benstead isn't the first person to toy with a motorcycle fueled by compressed air. RMIT actually produced another pretty cool looking compressed-air motorcycle last year called the Green Speed Air."
Would you ride a compressed-air motorcycle?
Un avis de pro :
"Ces véhicules seront silencieux, incroyablement rapides, et très puissants.
Je suis impatient d'en conduire un moi-même."
Mike McLaren, president and CEO of W2Energy
Sydney Convention & Exhibition
Compressed Air Motorcycle Engine Announced

W2Energy’s compressed air-powered rotary engine is a scaled-down version of their steam-powered SteamRay engine, which is used for generating electricity on a large-scale. The company produced this engine specifically for use in a line of motorcycles under development by a major, high-end motorcycle and chopper manufacturer.
Riders of these air-powered bikes will still have to fill up the gas tank at the pump, but they will be pumping air instead of unleaded and the pump will be as nearby as their own garage. The design of the fuel tank is a little different from those on conventional engine-equipped motorcycles (think SCUBA diving). If the gas gauge gets to E on the road, riders will simply swap out the empty tank for a full one stowed in a saddle bag.
On top of keeping your chrome carbon-free, exhaustless SteamRay engines do not release carbon into the atmosphere or require hydrocarbon-based fuel. Plus, riders of motorcycles with compressed-air engines spend even less on each fill up than they did with their gasoline-powered ones.
Mike McLaren, president and CEO of W2Energy, believes the benefits of their high-efficiency and practically pollution-less bike engines will make these motorcycles very popular.
“These vehicles will be quiet, incredibly fast, and very powerful. I look forward to driving one myself.”
Thursday, 16 June 2011
-Tim Moore
Jumat, 11/11/2011 19:59 WIB
Mahasiswa Australia Bikin Motor Bahan Bakar Gas
Syubhan Akib - detikOto
Sydney - Kegelisahan pada kenyataan makin menipisnya cadangan minyak bumi sudah menjalar kemana-mana. Solusi pun ramai-ramai dicari. Dan mahasiswa dari Australia sepertinya tidak mau ketinggalan. Mereka pun menciptakan motor yang bisa berjalan dengan bahan bakar udara.
Mahasiswa jurusan desain industri di RMIT, Australia bernama Dean Benstead dengan cerdik memanfaatkan udara terkompresi untuk dijadikan bahan bakar pengganti bahan bakar fosil yang saat ini banyak digunakan.
Purwa rupa alias prototipe motor udara buatan Benstead itu dinamakan '02 Pursuit' dan Benstead pun percaya bahwa sistem yang saat ini sedang ditelitinya akan banyak digunakan di kendaraan masa depan.
"Konsep ini berevolusi dari penelitian mulai dari sketsa dan pemodelan komputer sebelum chassis dan bodywork dibangun dan difabrikasi di pabrik lokal, Rinlatech Engineering," jelas Benstead seperti detikOto kutip dari visordown, Jumat (11/11/2011).
MELBOURNE, KOMPAS.com - Ada gebrakan baru dari Australia dilakukan Dean Benstead, mahasiswa dari Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) jurusan desain industri. Dia berhasil menciptakan sepeda motor yang bergerak menggunakan tenaga udara bertekanan tinggi (compressed air) yang dinami "02 Pursuit". Selain ramah lingkungan, sepeda motor ini menawarkan bahan bakar alternatif sebagai pengganti bensin.
Dari tampilan, motor ini terlihat ramping tanpa sebonggol mesin yang biasa "nangkring" di bawah sasis. Desainnya bergaya SuperMoto tapi lebih sederhana dengan satu jok dan suspensi tunggal di belakang. Pemakaian velg jari-jari dan ban bertapak lebar membuat tampilannya lebih gahar.
Parmi les commentaires :
Kamis, 3 November 2011 | 12:28 WIB
wow kereeen...
Новый байк на сжатом воздухе из Австралии
Австралийские инженеры придумали новый вариант мотоцикла на сжатом воздухе. Новый аппарат получил название 02 Pursuit.Конструкция машины была предложена студентом инженерно-конструкторского факультета Дином Бенстидом (Dean Benstead), который почему-то сначала решил, что он первый предлагает столь оригинальное решение проблемы загрязнения воздуха выхлопными газами.
Студент не только разработал свою конструкцию, но и создал работающий прототип.
Бенстид уверен, что этой концепции найдется место в будущем развитии транспорта.
Готовую действующую модель он создал при помощи местной компании Rinlatech Engineering.
Байк Бенстида предназначен в первую очередь для мотокросса. Он построен на базе геометрии обычного 250-кубового мотокроссового байка. Ходовую часть Бенстид взял от Yamaha WR250F. А в качестве силовой установки использовал двигатель на сжатом воздухе производства Engineair DiPietro.
Сейчас байк проходит испытания. Максимум, до которого его удавалось разгонять - 100 км/ч. Бенстид уверен, что машина способна на большее. «Я уже готов делать следующий прототип, который по всем характеристикам должен превзойти первый», - сказал он.
Официально байк 02 Pursuit будет представлен на мотошоу в Сиднее Sydney Motorcycle & Scooter Show 25 ноября.
![]() | Seledka_rider | 2011-11-07 01:34:59 |
![]() | den-alex | 2011-11-04 00:08:15 |
Sources :
O2 Pursuit : une moto à air comprimé bientôt dévoilée
– 2 NOVEMBRE 201125 November 2011
Unveiling the RMIT air-powered motorbike
A clean and green motorcycle prototype designed by RMIT University student Dean Benstead has been unveiled at the 2011 Sydney Motorcycle and Scooter Show.
Mr Benstead, a final-year Bachelor of Design (Industrial Design) student, has designed and developed the O2 Pursuit, a functional prototype of a motorcross bike that is fuelled purely by compressed air.
Using the Di Pietro air engine developed by Angelo Di Pietro of Engineair Australia, the O2 Pursuit is based on the geometry of a 250cc motocrosser.
Mr Benstead said the project aimed to explore the future of motorcycles, looking at air as a genuine alternative to petrol and electricity.
"It's about what the bike represents; it's not about performance engineering but about stretching my capabilities as a designer and imagining what the future might hold for sustainable motorcycle design," he said.
"The years I spent as a child riding dirt bikes inspired this design, a motocross bike based around the Engineair engine.
"Developing the working prototype involved balancing many design elements to get the bike functional and show-ready, but also meet budget, functionality, tight timelines and skill requirements.
"My studies at RMIT have enabled me to develop my work and get it noticed by industry leaders, who have become involved in the design process and reviewed my final project outcomes.
"I've been heavily involved in product and transport design throughout my years at university and with further product design experience consulting for industry during my studies; I'm looking forward to working in these areas once I graduate."
Preliminary testing has shown that the O2 Pursuit can hit speeds in excess of 100kmh. Running gear from a WR250R was donated by Yamaha Motor Australia.
Industrial Design lecturer Simon Curlis said the project came out of the RMIT Ecomoto design studio, the only motorcycle-specific design studio in Australia.
"The studio gives students the chance to develop their ideas into feasible concepts, through the full process of understanding the market and sustainability objectives then using CAD development and rapid prototyping to realise creative potential."
The O2 Pursuit will be displayed on the Two Wheels exhibit during the three days of the Sydney Motorcycle and Scooter Show (25 - 27 November), Australia's largest showcase of everything on two wheels.
For interviews: Dean Benstead, 0402 549 849, or Simon Curlis, 0438 357 735.
For high-resolution images and general media enquiries: RMIT University Marketing Manager, Kelly Bosman, (03) 9925 5033 or 0424 031 565.
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